Thursday, May 24, 2012

Summer break is finally here!
Have a wonderful season full of rest and relaxation as you prepare for fifth grade. Have fun, be safe, and don't forget to write. 
Bon voyage!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Science Fair Report Template

Write an A+ paper with the help of the templates attached here. Just click a link, read carefully and add your replace the document with your report:
For more information to make the best project, visit a Graph, and

Testing, Science Fair, Field Day, and more

It's the last month of the school year and there is so much happening at LPA. Georgia Performance Standard review continues to be our skill focus in all four academic areas. We are excited about the opportunity to strengthen the foundation we have been building all year. The CRCT is giving us the chance to demonstrate all we have learned as we look forward to reaching the next grade level. Before we get there, here are a few notes on important upcoming events:

Our 4th Grade Science Fair- each student is learning to apply the scientific method by creating a project for our fair. Parents and guardians can be supportive by helping to complete project experiments and purchasing supplies, such as, experiment materials and a three-tier display board for the fair.  Please review the Science Fair Project Time line for project due dates.

Due Date
Things to do
April 9-10
Choose Topic & Question
April 18
April 18
April 25
Design experiment
May 2
Conduct experiment & record observations
May 9
Table/chart & graph(s) of data
May 9
May 9-15
Make display/exhibit
May 16
Present project

Field Day is May 4th and it will be an opportunity to celebrate school pride. Whether your family still needs to complete volunteer hours or not, this is a great time to be a visible part of the LPA community.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Skills of this week

Welcome back Grade 4 families! Everyone looked well rested and ready to finish strong as we returned for class this morning. We are only a couople weeks away from the CRCT. Crunch Time- we are learning and reviewing every day so that we can blow that test away! We hope you can use the information below to better prepare at home.

English & Language Arts: General Skill Review with multiple resources (Coach Books, Study Island, CRCT Study Guide, etc.)
Mathematics: Data Analysis- Organizing & Analyzing Data, Graphing with multiple resources (Coach Books, Study Island, CRCT Study Guide, etc.)
Science: Science Fair Project
See Science Fair Pack sent home Monday, April 9th for due dates and guidelines. More info. will be delivered during each stage. I highly recommend the following websites to jumpstart research for the written report and display. Please remind your child to take notes for the Bibliography.
1. Science Buddies: - lots of info/ guides for science fairs and experiments
2. American Museum of Natural History – many ways to learn about and experiment with topics we have studied this year

Social Studies: The Industrial Revolution

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Skills for this week

This week 4th grade is Practicing Test taking skills in preparation for the CRCT. Please make sure your child is visiting Study Island whenever possible to sharpen their skills in various topics. The following assignments are being covered in our academic subjects:
English Language Arts: General Skill Review & Practice with Coach Books
Mathematics: Geometry & Data Analysis
Science: Weather Review with Weather Tic-Tac-Toe class projects
Social Studies: Expansion of A New Nation

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Science Review Sites

Fourth Grade has officially studied every Georgia Performance Standards for the school year. Now we are ready to sharpen our skills through review. Every site listed below is a wonderful resource for sharpening our skills through fun and engaging practice. I encourage every student to put them to good use as we prepare to ace our CRCTs.
Study Island Science Class Page (Of course! Each question aligns with GPS)
Engineering Interact: (Physical Science)
Edhead: (Simple & Complex Machines)
Kids Exploring Space: Science- Astronomy)BBC K2S Science: (All Sciences)
Museum of Science and Industry: Simple Machine Game:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Valentine's Day Appreciation Celebration

Though the dance has been canceled, the show must go on! We are looking forward the 4th grade Valentine's Day party from 1-2 p.m., February 14th, where we will come together to spread kindness and acceptance. Every student can contribute to the celebration by bringing in $3 for refreshments by this Friday and bringing in a container of valentines, sweets, or savory treats by the 14th. We will combine these items to make special gifts that will surprise the people who make L.P.A. great!
Shhh... it's going to be a surprise.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Week 21 Skill Sheet

Happy Birthday Dr. King! January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.! The leaders of today and tomorrow are hard at work upholding your legacy. Today is a great day to practice our random acts of kindness in honor of Dr. King's great dream.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Black Journey Field Trip

Two weeks until we visit the Robert Ferst Theatre for the musical Black Journey. Have you returned your permission slip and finished submitting your funds for admission? Please do so immediately so we can confirm the number of participants.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you are all well rested and excited about the potential of a brand new year. You can look forward to seeing more video and pictures of all that we are doing in Grade 4 and throughout LPA. Keep coming back for regular updates of what your child(ren) will accomplish in the weeks and months to come in weekly skill sheets. See the first listed below

To a grand fresh start,
Ms. Penn