Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Season's Greetings at LPA

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
I hope that you are all making the most of every moment with your loved ones. 2012 will be a wonderful year filled with possibilities. What will you do with your potential? We had such a wonderful time getting into the holiday spirit even before leaving the break began. See a few highlights in the special video featured below.

Studying Space was out of this world!

2nd Annual LPA Spelling Bee

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Stars and Our Solar System

Our classroom will be transformed into a museum hall as everyone brings in exhibits and demonstrations about one of the following Earth Science topics we've studied:

a. The number, size, color, and patterns of stars
b. Comparison of planets to stars to include appearance, position, and number in the night sky
c. An explanation of why the patterns of stars in a constellation appear in the same locations in the night sky, but planets can be seen in different locations at different times
d. The use of technology for observing distant objects in the sky
e. Day/night cycle of the Earth
f. Sequences of the phases of Earth’s moon
g. Revolution of the Earth around the sun and the Earth’s tilt to explain seasonal changes
h. Relative size and order from the sun of the planets in the solar system

Can't wait to see all the creative intelligence behind every display!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kindness in the Classroom

This is DCSS's random acts of kindness month. Ask you child how we are showing kindness to others and changing our community, one person at a time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Harvest Festival

Time to celebrate the results of our hard work and dedication. It's time for our first annual Harvest Festival! Our class will host a freeze dancing booth and we need your help. Parent volunteers will man the booths as teachers and students visit the various activities. If you can stop/start a cd player and stomach silly dancers, we invite you to join the fun. Please contact Ms. Penn to RSVP.